
Monthly Archives: March 2021

28 03, 2021

365 Days Later


One year ago, everything that Matador Pizza had grown to be over its 44 years of being open came to a giant stop. Whatever you choose to call it; SARS Co-V, Covid-19, Corona virus, this virus quickly and dramatically changed the course of the way we do business and put each of our team members [...]

365 Days Later2021-03-28T17:42:16+00:00
15 03, 2021

Parade of Suppliers


From the origins of Matador Pizza and Steakhouse 45 years ago until today, we have striven to keep our recipes as fresh as possible using local ingredients. Everything from pepperoni and salami to the mushrooms and cheese is all sourced in Alberta. Using these items from close to home, we hope that you can taste [...]

Parade of Suppliers2021-04-22T18:02:03+00:00
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